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ODEBRECHT is a native brazilian organization of several business, with global quality. The ODEBRECHT SA, a holding of the organization is responsible for its strategic view and for its sound way of business.

Along its existence, PASSARELLI has built important Jobs in the areas of infra-structure and buildings of light and heavy construction, specially sanitary jobs, buildings for commercial/public works and real estate enterprises.

The company acquired great experience and joined the technology of tunnel construction by non-destructive methods in its jobs below the soil level, construction of galleries for pluvial water and manifolds, fits to convey ducts in electrical and telephone jobs.

The operations of the Galvão Engenharia Brasil warrants a high position in the ranking of the most important engenering and constructions companies in Brazil, with an important relation of Jobs and dedication to managing of projects of infra-structure of governamental and private jobs. To attend the demands special and dynamic of the market, the Galvão Engenharia Brasil adopts a model of busines that allows to be alwais near the client, feel the needs of the client and develop solutions according to the expectative.

The Alusa Engineering a company of infra-structure which is present in the Market about 50 years and Works as manager of products and services in connection with the electrical branch of oil and gas, increasing gradually the sharing of other enterprises of engineering and civil construction, with works performed in Brazil and abroad, with more than 10.000 Km of transmition lines of extra/high electrical tension.

The mark Alusa appears also in projects developed in other countries. In 2005 with the partnership with CEMIG, ALUSA began its extension with the construction of transmition line of 200 Km in Chile. In the same year, Alusa arrived in Argentina with Siemens, constructing more than 140 Km of transmition lines. The newest project has been in Costa Rica, where Alusa performed alone the project and construction of a transmition line of 50 Km, energized in 2009 with 3 sub-stations.

A Light Energia S.A is a company of the Group light involued in the generation and transmition of electrical energy, as well as, the sale of proper production. Its generation park includes 5 electrical plants with installed capacity of 853 MW. They are: Fontes Nova, Nilo Peçanha and Pereira Passos, that comprise the Lage (in Piraí center-south of Rio de Janeiro), Ilha dos Pombos in the city of Carmo (boundary of Minas Gerais State) and Santa Branca, in the same name city, São Paulo State.

The complex of Lages with two elevation plants, Santa Cecília, in Barra do Piraí, and Vigário, in Piraí city, responsible for the pumping of waters of Paraíba do Sul and Piraí rivers, wich intends to generate electrical energy and water supply in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro.

The Mosaic is a world leader in production and commerce of concentrated potassium phosphate, with are two of primary components of fertilizers, which help the world to produce the necessary food that are needed. The company’s operations include all steps related to feeding of harvest-since mining and production up to commercial operations of fertilizer and components for animal feeding, in this way, it contributes with products and for the agro-busines, supplying for clients in more than 40 countries around the world. Use: stablished in 2004, the Mosaic Co. omns international headquarters in plymouth, Minnesota (US). The Company emplays nowadays, about 7.500 persons in 8 countries and commercial shares which are negociated in chamber of NY, under the symbol MOS.

Established in 2007, the Vale Solutions in energy (VSE) is a Brazilian company with aim the development of modern, efficient and sustainable solutions. The VSE works in systems of power in 3 programs: motor-generation, gas systems and turbo-generators. With headquarters in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the company owns a development center of product in São Paulo and subsidiaries in the United Kingdon and USA.

The Queiroz Galvão Oil and Gas began its activeties with conventional land sounds in 1981. As a result of its continuous development, today the company operates semi submerged off shore platforms up to 2.700 m. and inland perforation sounds transported by air, fit for installation in remote areas of difficult access as the Amazonic regions. Up to September of 2010, in its area of work, it participated in various biddings realized by the ANP (National Agency of Petroleum), acquiring concession on various blocks in land and in sea (off shore). In the 2.001, it was the first Brazilian company to operate a project of petroleum exploration offshore in Brazil, in partnership with Petrobras. Today this area became an independent company, the Queiroz Galvão Explore and production.

With more than 85 years the Suzano group is one of the most traditional Brazilian private Organization, with strong actuation in paper industry, cellulose and renewable energy, activities in insurance/reinsurance management, risk administration, estate development, environmental affairs, graffic industry and multichannel communication. By means of the Eco-Futuro Institute it develops projects that involve education and environmental services.

Brazilian Company of open capital, allied to Fertipar since 1.994, is the only industry of simple super fosphate of Parana State,The Fospar owns a private sea port pier in Paranaguá – PR, for unloading of fertilizers, operating since 2.001.

The Klabin is the largest producer and exporter of papers in Brazil. It is the leader in production of paper and cartoons for packing, corrugated papers for packing, industrial sacks and wood in logs. Klabin owns 17 plants in Brazil and one in Argentina, auto-sufficent in wood, having 212 thousands Ha of replanted forests and 192 thousands Ha of preservated native woods. It was the first company of paper and cellulose in south hemisphere to receive the certification of forest administration by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council),for its forests, confirming that the company develops its activities under the most advanced patterns of environmental conservation and social-economical sustaining.

n the year of 2.009, was settled Fibria, a world leader of cellulose result of the incorporation of Aracruz Co. by VCP, with 15.000 employees and capacity to produce about 5,4 millions tons of cellulose together with more than 300.000 tons of papers per year. Our activities are based in a forest area of 1,2 million Ha, of which 403 thousand Ha are dedicated to the conservation of native ecosystem in six states: Espírito Santo, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. Our labor force employs about 17.000 professionals including our own and third partie employees. We operate 3 plants, with 5,25 tons capacity of cellulose per year. We have yet 50% of sharing in Veracel (joint venture with Stora Enso), in Bahia State.

Established in december, 1.976, the OAS LTDA, a civil Works builder, had a fast grouth, becoming one of the most important civil Works company in Brazil, with succesfull jobs in the whole country. Besides the quality, which is a vital aspect in its field of works, the OAS allies professional competence, energy and compromise with a deep confidence in human relations.


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