Structured floor gratings indicated for locals with traffic of cars, trucks, heavy equipaments in general or that require high admissible resistance due to static or movable loads, such as drain channels, washing racks, painting cabins, besinds loading piers and ramps, among others.
- Low purchase cost,
- Simple installation,
- Low service costs,
- Easy raw material availability,
- Project and fabrication of pieces with exact dimentions,
- High choice of heights and bar thicknesses,
- Easy remotion and handing in field,
- Best relation between dead load and live loads
Production System:
- The FIBRAÇO floor gratings reinforced model are mannufatured by the arc welding of the vertical bars ( bearing) in the connection in bars (secondary), in flat or square bars, by continuous work process realize over productive table specially fit to ensure the patterns and quality of the final finished product.
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